My brother, Jim Dull's life process ended on December 11, 2009 - medical charts indicate at 4:19 pm. This essay is being written in honor of him.

Jim Dull's DNA was extremely different than yours. It was extremely different than mine. It was extremely different than anyone's who has ever lived and probably anyone's who ever will live. Jim Dull's life process began sometime in May of 1946 when this DNA came into being.

Along with Jim's environment, this DNA drove his life process. It expressed itself in unique talents, his personality, his drives, desires and motivations, his feelings. It basically made Jim, Jim. Jim's unique set of qualities gave us the person that folks loved, the Jim that I loved and still love.

This essay is being written in honor of the unique individual, Jim Dull.

Please allow me to challenge your brain. What I'm about to write may be hurtful to you. If it opens insight, it is for the good.

If you deny that my brother's life process started when his unique DNA footprint came into being, there are a few things you can start to surmise about yourself, among them these:

1. You lack knowledge of biological science; and/or 2. You have yet to think this subject through thoroughly. Perhaps this essay can help you.

Jim Dull's life process ended on December 11, 2009 - medical charts indicate at 4:19 pm. His life process began sometime in May of 1946 when his DNA footprint came into being. This essay is being written in honor of him - the unique individual, Jim Dull, who lots of folks loved, who I loved and still love.

Your DNA footprint is extremely different than mine. Unless you are one of identical siblings or a clone, your DNA footprint is extremely different than anyone's who has ever lived and probably anyone's who ever will live.

In conjunction with your environment, your DNA footprint expresses itself in your unique talents, your personality, your drives, desires and motivations, your feelings, your sex, your sexual orientation, your race. It basically makes you, you.

 Your individual life process began when your individual DNA footprint came into being. Your individual life process will end sometime in the future - medical charts will probably indicate at a specific time.

May we rest in peace.

John Dull

JMH Dull Productions



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