Museum of Monotheism


Someone and/or some group will institute a museum of monotheism. Here are some ideas they could consider.


A Museum of Monotheism could be 3 separate museums all facing inward in a circle: a building for Judaism; a building for Islam; and a building for Christianity.

Each museum could be organized and procurated by peaceful progressives of the discipline that the museum hosts.


This circular layout of buildings could be joined on the exterior rim by a circular endless hallway providing access to all the buildings, representing the eternal nature of Abraham's vision.


In a courtyard, placed in the center of the 3 building structure could be a large statue of Abraham placed on a large sundial-like clock, so that every hour Abraham faces each of the 3 buildings.


In between each building could be courtyards for concerts, gardens, lectures, and art exhibits.


Inside each building could be an ecumenical worship space, structured in the tradition of the discipline that the building honors.


Outside of the 3 building structure could be a campus for an Institute for the Propagation of Neuro-theology  --  thus allowing our scientific thoughts of spirituality to have a place.


When this website is fully functioning, we hope to have a diagram of said idea available.

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